The last time you left home for a trip, did you worry that you left the iron turned on, or forgot to stop the mail or newspaper delivery?
Whether traveling for business or pleasure, there are often many details to look after beyond just what to pack and, if you travel often, remembering those details over and over can be a real headache.
One way to relieve some of the stress of trip preparation is to prepare a master Travel Preparation Checklist. Include all those repetitive tasks that you do for every trip, or for most trips, and check them off as you do them. Even if a task is not done every single trip, put it on the list to serve as a reminder and just leave it unchecked if doesn’t apply.
Having a checklist can help eliminate much of the reminders that clutter your brain when preparing to travel. So, de-clutter your brain, check your list, relax and enjoy your trip.